With the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) in the process of ironing out regulations for the industry in this state, we headed to Portland, Oregon, to see what a functioning recreational pot culture looks like. We went to the Pacific Northwest last year too, shortly after rec dispensaries opened, and things have already changed pretty drastically in a matter of months. And for the better. Prices are affordable, options are plentiful, and the pre-rolls are cylindrical. We’ll be back soon with our analysis of the Mass regs shortly (read the latest update from the CCC here, including all about their “secret shopper” program), but for now here is a look into your crystal bowl…
7 – You are going to have more plastic joint holders and smell-proof pouches than you know what to do with. And plastic jars too. Start thinking about cool art projects to do with the kids.
6 – Your recreational dispensary will also soon become your head shop a lot of the time. Sure, medical dispensaries already have some sweet paraphernalia, but rec is sure to be another story altogether, packing everything from dab materials galore to dugouts in their cases.
5 – Any given shop will have products from a wide variety of manufacturers, which in Mass will have different licenses than those doing the retailing. This will of course be different than the current “seed to sale” medical dispensary system, in which everything from cartridges to flower came from the operator.
4 – There’s no real telling at this juncture just how pricey or affordable cannabis, in any of its myriad forms, will be when rec finally comes. But one thing we can safely surmise based on this most recent trip to Portland is that you will always want to hit up the newest shops. Established storefronts seem to be asking establishment prices, whereas newjacks lure ’em in with rock-bottom offers.
3 – Fortunes aren’t just for cookies anymore. We got several with different cannabis goodies, including this one from Mahatma Gandhi: “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do, are in harmony.” Indeed.
2 – In case you haven’t noticed, some medical dispensaries resemble hospitals. They’re cold, vast, and faceless. They’re getting cozier with some of the newer facilities, including at one of our sponsors, Revolutionary Clinics in Somerville, which has regular events. But under recreational, we should finally have places where you may want to remain for a minute or more after your purchase, instead of exiting immediately like you just did something wrong.
1 – More than anything else, you can expect more equity. And less arrests. And not such a big fucking deal to be made about cannabis. It will take a while, just like it has for Mass to get its regulations straight, but if what we’ve seen out West is any indication, it will have been well worth the wait.