Marijuana Momentum Heats Up Across The US

We’re only a couple weeks into this year’s legislative season, and we’re already seeing a flurry of activity in state capitols nationwide.

NORML is tracking dozens of cannabis-related bills in our Take Action Center. We have our eyes on legalization efforts in Hawaii, New Hampshire, and Virginia, as well as efforts to bring medical cannabis access to Wisconsin.

There are also a number of freedom-threatening bills that NORML is opposing, such as efforts in Florida and New Jersey to impose arbitrary THC potency limits, and in Kentucky and Virginia to enact laws making it illegal for consumers to drive a motor vehicle for days after using cannabis.

Nearly 10,000 of you have already contacted your lawmakers in either support or opposition to these measures. And for that, we thank you. You are making your voices heard and lawmakers are responding.

In New Hampshire, lawmakers withdrew support for proposals to impose new marijuana-related penalties after receiving hundreds of emails from NORML supporters.

In Delaware, House members recently voted in favor of NORML-backed legislation expanding patients’ access to medical cannabis.

And in Ohio, lawmakers abruptly halted efforts to roll back hard-fought cannabis freedoms after thousands of you demanded they keep their hands off adult-use legalization.

But we have a long road ahead of us. In order to keep you up-to-date and engaged in these important state-legislative efforts, we need your support. Please give today so we can continue effectively representing you in statehouses across this country.

This article was republished via NORML. Your generous support ensures that your voice—the voice of the cannabis consumer—is being heard loudly and clearly in the halls of government. Help NORML make 2024 a historic and productive year for cannabis freedom.