Cup Winners: Plump, Powerful Kosmik Blasters Break The Mold

Kosmik’s mascot hands out uninfused samples between walking up to receive awards during the NECANN Cup in Boston last month

We always knew that accolades would come for Regenerative’s Big Bang Berry and PB&J

Put simply, we knew that Kosmik’s mouthfuls would eventually see their day in the sun. It was surprising to watch the team that makes them from Regenerative LLC walk away from The Harvest Cup without an edible prize, but they crushed it in this year’s NECANN Cup in Boston, in the process vindicating our review squad for the praise we reprinted below.

Following a first-place showing in the gummies category by Suncrafted Cannabis, which in addition to those props cleaned up in the concentrates class including taking the top three trophies in the non-solvent group, Regenerative grabbed second for its peanut butter and jelly Kosmik Blasters, and third for its Big Bang Berry (and also won a blue for best infused preroll for its apples-banana-sugar-cone Uncut Rollers).

As for the goods … The first thing that you need to know about Kosmik Blasters is that they are among the brave few initial products on the Mass market to creatively address the 5mg limit on individual edibles. 

You should always read the bag, Kosmik or otherwise. But in this case, if you missed the large print on the front of their Mylar that reads “2 slices per piece – 5mg at a time,” you will promptly chomp down heartily on 10mg, since they’re basically chubby two-in-one numbers with a perforation down the middle and a state-required warning embossment on each side. Their Black Hole gummies are even deadlier, packing 50mg in each piece across 10 partitions.

In the event that you are fortunate enough to sink your ivories into one of these plump round juice bombs in their fabulous full form, you will see why it’s important that such sizable treats exist on the market. Most gummies are a snack, and that’s fine, but these are much more satisfying, like a meal. If you like one of the flavors they are offering, you’ll get a seriously satisfying mouthful; the Big Bang Berry, for example, is precisely that, like a bog exploded on your tongue.

As for Kosmik’s peanut butter and jelly pucks from their Specialty Blasters line … we can’t stop stuffing them into our face. Nor will we stop. If you’re too busy this year for your holiday ayahuasca retreat but still want to journey down memory lane, spread a full 100mg of these gems on toast and revisit every grape juice box and pb&j sandwich that stuck in your memory from pre-K to puberty. Beyond looking like something a cartoon chef would present on a platter under a silver dome lid, these perfectly round nuggets with actual peanut butter inside are soft and gooey enough to make for some new memories as well as a serious smear.

Kosmik Brands was born in Oklahoma, and brought to Mass by the Uxbridge-based Regenerative. In most cases, it’s hard to understand why any company would license a product from another market instead of just developing their own; after all, only the most serious consumers are familiar with brands from elsewhere. But Kosmik is a true exception; if they had to go to outer space to secure manufacturing and distribution rights for these, it’s worth it.