Boston gets two new dispensaries, plus spooky events from Back Bay to the Berkshires
Boston is home to several notable pot shops, including the first Massachusetts store to open through one of the state’s equity programs in Pure Oasis. At the same time, it’s taken some time to arrive at a point where Hub residents don’t have to travel too far for flower.
And as of this month, there are two new dispensaries serving New England’s biggest city—LowKey, on Washington Street in Dorchester’s Codman Square neighborhood, and Native Sun on E 1st Street in Southie.
We recently interviewed both companies. For LowKey, it’s their first shop, but the proprietor is hardly new to the community. A Dot native, Jeff Similien told Talking Joints Memo, “This is a neighborhood that I know very much. … I get my clothes dry cleaned over there. I went to school over there. My real estate office is right up the street.”
As for the store itself, LowKey is stocked with top-shelf and value brands alike, and is working on exclusive partnerships and its own line as well. “Our focus is education and providing a great experience,” Similien said, “and building this culture and creating a lifestyle around LowKey.”

Over in South Boston, consumers have a new neighbor that in addition to a thorough selection of vapes, flower, and dabs, carries more than 60 infused cannabis beverages. It’s kind of their thing. As Native Sun COO Matthew Gamble told us last month, “I’m really connected with the beverage producers and really impressed by all the creativity we’re seeing. … We want to use our store as a case study where selling beverages works for more than just the retailer.”
About the Southie store, Gamble said, “After years of mastering the retail experience in the suburban areas of the state, we found it was time to bring our unique atmosphere to the city of Boston. … We strategically chose South Boston because the community did not have a cannabis retailer in close proximity. With the accessibility of on-site parking, and the increase of employment opportunities, we are excited to engage with a new community through our mutual love of cannabis.”
Beyond Boston, Massachusetts Green Retail is now open in Lynn, with CEO Jordan Avery saying “the outpouring of support from near and far left me truly speechless and deeply honored to finally open our dispensary.”
Meanwhile, brands and dispensaries across the state are hot for Halloween and are hosting or sponsoring everything from quick popups to big parties. Seed, Bountiful Farms, and Coast Cannabis have an ongoing Hallo Weed costume contest through Oct. 31, while Rooted In has an incredibly stacked lineup for its Trick-or-Heat Week and HalloWeed festivities: “Grab you ghouls and gals and celebrate the Halloween season with Trick-or-Heat week at Rooted In. Stop by in-store and enjoy a full week of spooky specials and wicked treats on Newbury Street. Feeling festive? Come dressed up in costume anytime during “Trick-or-Heat” week and receive 10% off your order plus spooky specials.”
For those in Western Mass, Boston Bud Factory has a Smash and Dab Festival in Holyoke on Oct. 20 with music and demos, and on Oct. 28, Great Barrington Dispensary and No.9 Sunflower Collection have their own Harvest Fest with in conjunction the local VFW. While you’re out there, check Canna Provisions for full ounces of Smash Hits by Chemdog shake for as low as $80 and other bargains (Smash Hits also has popups on Oct. 20 at the Vault in Worcester, Oct. 21 at Nature’s Remedy in Tynsboro, and at Rise Chelsea through Oct. 27.)
Also in Worcester, and this is a big one, more than a dozen companies are teaming up for Cannabis Industry Night at Fat Chops Sports Bar on Oct. 28. Presented by Delivered Inc. and Sticky Fish, it’s a free event with a costume contest and prizes.
Still mid-state, Mission Dispensaries in Worcester has a Women Empowerment Event on Oct. 22 with arts, crafts, food, and music. While to the south, in Attleboro Zahara has Zaharafest: A Halloween Octoberfest on Oct. 28 with the Gnarly Vines Food Truck and refreshments by the Primo Bartending School. From their team: “Immerse yourself in the Halloween ambiance as you dress for the occasion with our staff and vendors. Move to the beat with DJ Irvstyle while indulging in your favorite dishes and discovering new flavors that will tantalize your taste buds.”

Back east, Panacea Wellness has Halloween parties at all of its locations (Quincy, Middleborough, Beverly) on Oct. 28 with “food, swag, vendors, tricks, treats, and more,” while Quincy Cannabis Co. has a Harvest party on the same afternoon. Be sure to email info about other parties or popups to info@talkingjointsmemo.com, and if you’re looking to go big, check out for Tricks and Treatz on Oct. 26 in Wakefield, Rhode Island, and of course the return of Hexpo in Seekonk on Oct. 29.
Of course, you’re also going to need weed for all the other parties you are hitting this month too, and we’re expecting deals galore. Already, Happy Valley has Fright Night Favorites through Oct. 22 including $15 edibles and various preroll bundles, while High Profile x Budega, which has spots in Roslindale, Dorchester, and Roxbury, has a whole page up for its Summon the Sesh Weedji Halloween promo. In addition to straight bonkers deals like 4 1g concentrates for $99, they’re giving away a violet crystal ball bong and other goodies. Details here.