Improper Payments A Key Feature Of Most Noncompliant HCAs
“Just from my preliminary review, I have not seen a single compliant HCA.”
“Just from my preliminary review, I have not seen a single compliant HCA.”
“Do you want to know your rights and responsibilities as an applicant—and what to expect from potential host communities? Looking for a helpful way to educate your town manager, mayor, selectmen, or other municipal officials?”
First round of grant funding will total $2.33 million with no single grant exceeding $50,000
“It’s really important to move on this as fast as possible—everyone keeps saying that there’s not enough operating capital out there.”
“We did a lot of reviews of HCAs that are out in the industry and that have been used—whether you would call them good HCAs, or bad HCAs, or indifferent HCAs, we read a lot of them.”
A rundown on new regulations impacting Host Community Agreements, Social Equity and Municipal Equity Provisions, and Revised Suitability Standards for Registered Agents
“If a majority of the votes cast are in favor, such city or town shall have authorized the consumption of marijuana on the premises where [it is] sold.”
Another week of nonstop action around the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission
“Cannabis Control Commission files draft regulations with Secretary of the Commonwealth ahead of Sept. 8 hearing”
With deadlines approaching and fires on multiple fronts, regulator rapport regresses at first meeting following bombshell leadership announcement
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