“I have taken action on marijuana reform …”
We hate to be too cynical about federal cannabis reform, even though we’ve been waiting for decades along with the rest of you for real change.
With that said, it’s somewhat important to acknowledge every time the President of the United States mentions cannabis, marijuana, or anything along those lines at all.
Which he did in this year’s Proclamation on Juneteenth Day of Observance. Following some basic history of the holiday, Biden started listing his accomplishments, eventually getting to weed, scant as those accomplishments might be in that category.
“I have taken action on marijuana reform by pardoning prior District of Columbia and Federal simple marijuana possession offenses and directed a review of marijuana scheduling,” Biden said in the briefing.
As Marijuana Moment noted, Biden also made remarks in this lane at a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event hosted by the National Action Network’s (NAN) in January, where the POTUS “said he was keeping his ‘promise’ by providing relief to those who’ve been criminalized over cannabis.” And again in February, when he “marked the end of Black History Month by giving publicity to the cannabis clemency actions and highlighting the racially disparate impact of marijuana enforcement.”
At this rate, we’re still not getting our hopes up, though we do have lots of coverage coming soon about the fight to kill federal cannabis monopolies in their crib before national legalization comes to pass. Stay tuned …