He’ll get you more stoned than the Old Man of the Mountain (and teach you a thing or two about concentrates in the process)
As I was about to ask Charles Stockstill a few questions at a recent cannabis event where he was standing behind his impressive setup, a guy walked up behind me who was as excited as a kid going to visit Santa Claus.
“Oh wow! I know you from Maine, man.”
The fan and I both stood there, marveling over a smorgasbord that looks like the control board on the Starship Enterprise if the dials were dab rigs. The fan continued, “You’re amazing!”
I’ve seen Stockstill in action on several occasions, and that is a common reaction. His Hashishins Tasting Experience is as much an education as it is an opportunity to get insanely ripped, the entourage effect of which makes for a memorable time. As the certified ganjier explains it, “I bring the best hashish and products,” and “showcase the best companies at the bar, who donate their products to be shown off around the country.”
There’s also his array of gadgets and devices, like the Zenco Flow vape-by-the-glass he serves up in a snifter. His team’s pledge: “We make sure we have the latest technology for our customers, and have as much as possible. … And we hire certified ganjiers to ensure you are getting the best cannabis service available.”
While Stockstill is a solid resource for getting extremely stoned, there’s more to his experience than just buzz facilitation. “A lot of times,” he said in one of our exchanges, “we are incorporating this with food and drink as well, so we’re trying to pair those terpenes with those flavors—from the savory to the tanginess so that everything kind of sings on the palate.”
When I saw Stockstill and his Old Man of the Mountain hash-tasting spread at the TeeHC Open, where he was serving golfers outdoors on a perfect summer afternoon, he said, “Today has been really fruity, with people being out in the sunshine and wanting to stay active. We’ve been doing a lot of two-to-one or one-to-one ratios with THC and CBD. People are staying uplifted, they’re staying stoned, they’re going out and playing golf.”
And there are always treats. At another recent event at Diaspora Experience in Cambridge, he had a slab of unpressed Afghani hash, produced in the style developed by the late cannabis artisan-activist Frenchy Cannoli. A student of the hash masters who came before him, Stockstill brings an old school-level of knowledge along with his modern melts and new toys.
“The idea is that it is a terpene bar,” he said. “We have different hashes—CBD, THC—and we partner with different companies in the local area to give them a show so that people will go hit them up later.
“It’s all part of being a ganjier. We’re finding through a lot of trial and error what terps work with what.”