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How Good Feels Got To Dropping A 1,000mg Adult-Use Tincture

“Nobody said it could be done, and we did it.”

As we wrote last time we checked in on Good Feels earlier this year, the company has long hinted at something of magnitude beyond their popular seltzers which come at a mere 5mg apiece, as required by state regulations. To our delight and satisfaction, it delivered on those hints in January, with a new 500mg syrup called Good Vibes.

The company’s founder, Jason Reposa has opined about the demand for more access to high-potency products for a while, and has actively sought interesting avenues to deliver bigger numbers. And by golly, his team found them.

We ran into Reposa last week at the Flower Expo, where tinctures were definitely trending in part due to Good Feels unveiling a new—wait for it—1,000mg dropper of Good Vibes. Pink lemonade flavor, to be exact. As Reposa told us, “Nobody said it could be done, and we did it.” 

I obviously asked for more details, and he delivered. His comments are parsed below, and tell the story of how Good Vibes pushed all the way to a thousand.

On the initial hurdles … 

When we launched Good Vibes, we had actually targeted 600mg, and we got a lot of pushback from retailers saying that the limit was 500[mg]. We were like, What are you talking about? The [regulations] say 5,000mg. We can do 600[mg], let’s do it.

The [Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission] put out a guidance document back in 2021 that said 500mg was the limit for tincture. When we released our product, people started referencing that document and said, Hey, [your Good Vibes products are] 520mg, that’s over 500, and we’re going to waste your product. And so we lost thousands and thousands of dollars in product because it was over 500mg.

On critical clarification … 

I called the CCC and said, The [state cannabis] regulations say that 5,000mg is the limit for tinctures. But your guidance document says that it’s 500mg for tinctures. So, is it 500mg, or 5,000mg? 

Weeks and weeks went by and we’re talking to our inspectors, and what ended up happening was that we got confirmation from the CCC that the limit is actually 5,000mg, and the guidance document was an error. It was not supposed to be 500mg.

So, yes, we lost thousands of dollars worth of product, but we said, Why stop at 500[mg], let’s go to 1,000. And we released a 1,000mg pink lemonade in a 1oz bottle. It’s portable, you can mix it into any drink you want. It’s a 1,000mg tincture, a first for the adult-use market in Massachusetts.

On the need for high-dose adult-use products … 

I love the medical market, but I feel that even adult use consumers are still medical patients. They’re still coming from ailments; there’s a number of reasons why people might use a high-dose product on the adult-use side of things. But the problem is, even with our 500mg product, for some people, that was only like five servings. It’s not much.

The reason we went to a thousand is that there are a lot of consumers out there who have that high tolerance. I spoke with someone who said they have 70mg at a time—this is only 15 servings for them. These are the consumers who are buying products on the market now.