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Poca Policia, Mucha Diversion En El Freedom Rally

Como una pandemia de mandrágoras de los históricos ahorcados, bajo los árboles, cubriendo las colinas y las explanadas del Common, como una manta cannábica sobre la yerba del parque, miles de jóvenes y adultos fumaban marihuana en porros, pinchos, vaporizadores, pipas y toda clase de parafernalia.


Dispatch From The First Massachusetts Cannabis Business Association Meeting

Whether you are in the application process to open a marijuana business in Mass, or you’re simply anticipating legal weed across the commonwealth, the comments Cannabis Control Commission Chair Steven Hoffman delivered at the first Mass Cannabis Business Association meetup, held Tuesday at the UMass Club on Beacon Hill, may offer the most insight to date into how far Mass has come on this adventure, as well as into how far we still have to go.