Green Market Report: East Coast Edition
NECANN’s Cannabis Finance Summit partner surveys the retail landscape
NECANN’s Cannabis Finance Summit partner surveys the retail landscape
“It would probably benefit us and the consumers if we had the Cannabis Control Commission somehow involved in the regulation of this.”
Sampling Cycling Frog, Flyers, Trail Magic, and Cheech & Chong’s High & Dry
“As more people get access to hemp products, it will naturally drive people into dispensaries. Responsible hemp companies are fine with additional taxation and rules to ensure the products on the market are safe.”
Some of your favorite edibles at licensed Bay State dispensaries feature hemp-derived minor cannabinoids. That’s different from synthetic THC being sold at convenience stores, but legislators don’t always make
10 details about synthetic delta-8 and delta-9 to help you navigate the parallel hempisphere in Massachusetts
Part one of a five-part series on the sale, legality, outrage over, and popularity of unregulated THC products being sold in Bay State liquor and convenience stores
Before coming to New England, synthetic THC brands cut their teeth in prohibitionist red states where their products are often openly embraced
From their outrageous flavored vape ban to a block on new weed shops, it’s all “adding to confusion amongst producers and dispensaries”—not to mention consumers
“The venue has held occasional private events allowing marijuana use as it works toward city licensing approval, but that violates public consumption laws”
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