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10 Ways Social Media For Cannabis Can Be A Lawn Care-Level Nightmare

Read this and procrastinate for two more minutes before finishing those posts you have to schedule

Running a business in the cannabis industry, I have come to view Instagram, Facebook, and X as I view the front lawn of a house in the suburbs. It’s uncanny … 

1 – Presence on these sites is superficial, and rarely reflects the full picture of your company, but that’s too bad because it’s what a lot of people see first whether you like it or not.

2 – Like a big manicured lawn, social media is very costly and often extremely wasteful. 

3 – Most of the time, you’re spending good money to entertain people who are just driving by, and who you really have no need to impress.

4 – If your neighbors or those passing by are assholes, there’s a chance that they might rat you out to those in charge for smoking too much weed on your front lawn or on your page.

5 – Needy, needy, needy.

6 – If you seed something on social sites, like an audience engagement activity, you’d better be prepared to tend to it over time like a flower bed.

7 – Drunk people often piss and puke on lawns, just like they do on threads.

8 – A lot of people step their game up for the holidays, so if you want to stand out, you’ll really have to over-perform in November and December. The more sparkle and colorful lights, the better.

9 – If you want people to stop in their tracks when they’re passing by your yard or your Insta page, make it look like Pee-wee Herman’s front lawn.

10 – Yard work, like posting, is the bane of your existence, and is probably something that’s best to pay somebody else to do.