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15 Prerolls To Prioritize On Massachusetts Menus

From sweet, to sour, to infused power, we blew our lungs out for this roundup and have zero cig-regrets

Something we have noticed on dispensary menus this past year is that they have an increasingly indistinguishable number of prerolls. It’s basically become like the grocery store mac and cheese aisle; and since life is too short to keep reaching for the same old Kraft dinner every time, we’re here to help people identify some standouts.

Originals Fresh Roll (Gelato)

These one-gram cigarette-like straights feel phenomenal between the fingers, and are not something to take lightly. Our burn time was close to 30 minutes for this absolute treat, perfect for a special occasion or to chain smoke if you have the lungs and funds. The sweet Gelato stogie is packed in the finest caliber delivery device available, and is a specimen worth savoring.

Kapnos (Super Boof)

Super Boof is always supposed to knock your socks off. That’s why it’s so popular—because when it’s competently grown and cured, there is a guaranteed wow factor built in. And the Super Boof from relative newcomer Kapnos takes the strain to new heights. All-bud juicy fruit for the soul, this perfect full-gram cone burned for more than 20 minutes, with an even sticky ring of resin circling the cherry on top. And the Super Boof is only one of many winners we tried from this fruit-forward facility, with Kapnos Cherry Pie and Rainbow Berries spliffs also raising the bar.

Tout by Berkshire Roots (Marsh-Mellow)

This one came with two half-grammers in the same tube, which we always like. Sweet on the tongue, they burned fairly slowly and had our mouths gushing for more. Speaking of Berkshire Roots, we also recently enjoyed a .75g Runtz preroll from their menu, which seems to be the ideal size for store-bought spliffs. A heavy hitter that is still less than a gram, it’s like a full lunch without all the extra calories.

Bountiful Farms (Colorado Bubba)

Everything from Bountiful Farms seems to sing, from the pretty packaging to jars of superb flower. So it’s no surprise that one-gram prerolls out of this shop like the Colorado Bubba banger we enjoyed hit harder than most average twists, and resonate a little deeper than typical rollups too. Mummified in ZigZags for good measure, the paper filter seems a smidgen smaller than most mouthpieces as well, in this case making for a longer session with Bountiful’s bonny semisweet limonene kush creation.

Coastal Healing (GG4)

Coastal Healing is a grow to know, and this full-gram torpedo with a twisted top proves that case in point. We thoroughly enjoyed a mouthful of enough sour to make us pucker, and also relished watching the thick ring of oil underneath the crown of fire unfold. From the perfect cure to medium burn, it’s clear that Coastal is superior.

High Ledges (Wedding Cake)

This feels like a high-end joint in every way, from first sight, to light, to goodnight. A sweet treat with impressive ash and the requisite resin, this joint does justice to this choice cut of a legendary matrimony. We also like the unique tube that High Ledges full-gram cones come in. And the Elements papers are a bonus as well—for crying out loud, why don’t more companies use them?

No. 9 Sunflower Collection (Early Lemon Berry)

We’re running fans of these fulfilling full-gram fingers, which largely come in fruity flavors via these outdoor South Coast Mass cultivators. But we picked the Early Lemon Berry twig because it displays the skunky side of their showcase as well. Meaty, weedy, tart, and sweety, it checks all the boxes even though its profile is not confined to one.

Mello (Octane)

Sure, we’re technically talking about Mello’s Octane, an unapologetic gas bomb that is worth gassing the car up to travel a distance for. But really we are raving about the whole Mello preroll smorgasbord, which features .35g, .5g, and full-gram varieties, with the former coming three to a tube and the half-gram option packing double sticks. They’re straight and narrow, our favorite kind, and the payoff is a joint that burns well from the front to back and doesn’t shrivel into a roach that looks like the neck of a steamer clam. We’ll say hello to any strain that we can find from Mello, but extra points go to their Space Candy and Lembrule, the latter of which makes for a particularly special spliff.

Suncrafted (Super Boof)

One of the tastiest treats in this spread of exceptional doobs, every puff of Suncrafted’s Super Boof is special. Despite the understated package, it’s something to momentarily marvel over; we considered keeping some for later, but we couldn’t help but kill the whole gram in a single sitting. The kind of sweetness even a sweet hater could love, we passed this one around a cipher with enthusiasm from the sparking of its bowtie tip all the way down to the terps in the trunk.

Packs x Advanced Cultivators (Truffle Pop Classic Blunt)

It’s unfair to include this beautiful 2.5-gram missile on this list, but it turned up in the same basket as these other fatties, so here goes. … Packs pays very close attention to every detail, and this one’s a museum piece—dusted in keef, rolled in fresh and robust hemp, and finished with a glass tip. The Truffle Pop we copped is a collaboration with Advanced Cultivators, which is fast emerging as one of the top crop shops in Mass, so it’s worth looking around for, but with these specs we recommend anything from the Packs blunt line.

Farnsworth (Classic)

We’ve raved about Farnsworth prerolls before. The Western Mass boutique brand stands out in every way—from its gorgeous gallery-like storefront in Great Barrington, to the Toblerone-shaped packs for its prerolls, to signature cigarette filters that make these halfs last. They’re not specific about strains, but rather emphasize the strength, and “Classic” is smack in the middle, even though it belongs on the top shelf. 

Glorious (24K Punch Bubble Hash-Infused)

An extremely low-profile preroll that is nonetheless a gram, this stick looks no different from most others, even though it’s filled with ample old-school ice-water goodness. It also smokes extremely smoothly, and slowly, without any of the immolation drama that you get with way too many infused joints these days. And yes, it really does taste like summer camp bug juice. Sweet and delicious.

Paper Crane (Sour Diesel)

We have never had a preroll from the Paper Crane folks that didn’t spin us around, and as a result this outdoor grow’s Sour Diesel daggers are among the elite few repeats in our weekly rotation. From the Dutch crown all the way down to the filter, blasts of gas chase sweeter notes and link up for much loftier effects—just how the Sour D gods intended. Pure petrol in every way; smoke one of these for breakfast and you can pour that Red Bull down the drain.

Bailey’s Buds (Blue Dream Sour Jack)

We hope to visit Bailey’s Buds in Dracut soon. The vaunted grow is well known for its magical weed, wild backstory, and organic practices, but for now we wanted to include a head-turner from one of their coveted containers, which pack five half-gram prerolls in a collectible tin punched with the signature Bailey’s Buds trap, an Addams Family-style mansion. Everything inside’s a winner, with the Blue Dream Sour Jack emerging as a treat among treats, the bestest of the bestestest. An utter symphony of sweet and sour familiarity, it feels like someone painting your tongue with a history of all your favorite buds.